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Associations & other links

Below you will find a list of interesting links on the comprehensive topic of printed circuit boards and their corresponding associations.
You can reach the respective website by clicking on the logo.


The Global Association for Electronics Manufacturing

IPC is the global association that helps OEMs, EMS, PCB manufacturers, cable and wire harness manufacturers and electronics industry suppliers build electronics better. IPC members strengthen their bottom line and build more reliable, high-quality products through proven standards, certification, education and training, thought leadership, advocacy, innovative solutions and industry intelligence.

The EIPC, The European Institute for the PCB Community

is an expanding international service provider to the European Interconnection and Packaging Industry. The EIPC is servicing 120 member companies since 1968, including suppliers of machinery, materials and software tools to the PCB industry, along with PCB Manufacturers, and OEMs. Business owners, senior management and key technical staff find the EIPC provides an efficient platform for following and pursuing new developments in the industry.

UL Solutions – Underwriter Laboratories

As a global safety science leader, UL Solutions helps companies to demonstrate safety, enhance sustainability, strengthen security, deliver quality, manage risk and achieve regulatory compliance.


The Fachverband Elektronikdesign und -fertigung e. V. (FED)

represents the interests of 700 members, including PCB designers and manufacturers, EMS companies, EDA companies, process and technology service providers and suppliers of manufacturing equipment, software and consumables.

The FED provides its members in Germany, Switzerland and Austria with guidance and support for technical business processes and decisions. The focus of the association’s work is the preparation and transfer of specialist knowledge as well as the in-service qualification of electronics designers and electronics specialists.

One of the most important industry associations in Germany

The ZVEI is one of the most important industry associations in Germany. It represents the interests of a high-tech industry with a very broad and extremely dynamic product portfolio.

Verband deutscher Leiterplattenindustrie e.V. (VdL)

The VdL merged with the ZVEI on January 1, 2010.

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